Art Action Culture Events


Wednesday, 17th January 2024 | 18:00-21:00



Art Action Culture Events Symposium


This is a gathering for all creatives and that means everyone! Artists (graphic, plastic, video, dramatic), performers and writers, poets, producers, dancers and musicians. How can we respond creatively to the genocide and the struggle of the Palestinian people for liberation? What is happening? What do we want to happen? Come and join the conversation.


How does artistic practice connect to direct action? How can artists committed to support for Palestinians and Palestinian artists extend to wider publics? How can we work and interact across art disciplines? How can we deal with silencing, victimisation and cancelling?


The conversation will be facilitated by Taghrid Choucair-Vizoso, joint CEO of Shubbak Festival. It will have intervention/contributions from Hassan Abdulrazzak - this will be in the form of a short reading of a new play provoked by events in Palestine, read by Ruth Lass and Sara Masry plus - also from Hamja Ahsan who will describe the struggle engaged in when the DOCUMENTA exhibition to which he contributed was attacked. There will be a few other creative interventions. Come and make one!



Facilitated by Taghrid Choucair-Vizoso, joint-CEO of Shubbak Festival 
Hassan Abdulrazzak, playwright 
Ruth Lass, actor
Sara Masry, actor
Hamja Ahsan, artist and activist




Tickets for this event include:

Opening of the exhibition of Jamie Bellinger’s photographs at P21 Gallery | 18:00-19:00


Documentary Winner at the British Photography Awards 2023 Jamie Bellinger’s photographs of the upsurge of support for Palestinian struggle for liberation and justice have captured the heart and soul of the movement. Jamie is based in Bath and his latest series is are from a march for Palestine in Bristol. Seek him out:

Welcome his work!



Curated by Faseeha Khalid and Jonathan Chadwick, Az Theatre Director





Book your spot via the link below:






Generously supported by:  Az Theatre and HUB Collective