Art Action Culture Events


Tuesday, 23rd January 2024 | 19:00-21:00



This gathering will centre on an online conversation between Dr Samah Jabr and mental health practitioners in the UK.


Samah Jabr MD is a psychiatrist and psychotherapist; the Head of the Mental Health Unit, Palestine Ministry of Health; and Assistant Clinical Professor, George Washington University, Washington DC, USA. She is also the author of Derrière les Fronts (Behind the Frontlines). The film of the same name made about her work by French film-maker Alexandra Dols gave her work even more reach and elicited this response from UK film-maker Ken Loach: “Dr. Samah Jabr is a wise and thoughtful woman. She reflects on the subtle, devastating effect on Palestinian people of years of brutal occupation.”


Dr Jabr is a crucial spokeswoman for Palestinian resistance and struggle for liberation, endowing depth and inner perspective to these processes.


There will also be a chance to engage with the work of the Palestine Trauma Centre in Gaza and the UK-Palestine Mental Health Network who will co-host the event.


What is the impact of genocide on members of the group subjected to it? How can we hold in mind the enormous suffering experienced in our world and remain active in the struggle for liberation? Is resistance to oppression a way of maintaining sanity?




Dr. Samah Jabr, Head of Mental Health Unit, Palestine Ministry of Health
David Harold, Palestine Trauma Centre
Martin Kemp, UK-Palestine Mental Health Network




Book your spot via the link below:






Generously supported by:  Az Theatre and HUB Collective