Untold Friendships of the Unknown Fallen


Wednesday, 13th March 2019 | 18:00 - 20:00


The author of  “The Unknown Fallen”, Luc Ferier, will introduce and highlight some of the thought-provoking stories of his book including displaying pages of the artworks reprinted on canvas panels. 

He was invited by the UN – OPCW (Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) to present his findings at the HQ in Den Hague (NL) and Harvard University (USA) among others.  He was also recently key note speaker at the House of Lords in the UK, Kings College and the Central Mosque in London

After receiving many requests, he finally agreed to write/create a coffee table book.  It was published in February 2018 and attracted worldwide attention due the high quality, the unique combination of design, authentic images, quotes and exclusive documents.  The book is called “The Unknown Fallen” and was recently reproduced as a traveling exhibition “Singularity of Peace” on display now in Hammersmith (London) until 29 March 2019. 


The Forgotten Heroes 14-19 Foundation is an independent, non-government, non-religious, non-political organization with headquarter in London (UK).  It was created in 2012 to unveil the untold friendships of Muslim soldiers and labours who fought along the Allied Forces in the First World War. The Forgotten Heroes 14-19 Foundation managed to trace and identify more than 850.000 documents related to the Allied Muslim contribution locked away in non-conventional locations worldwide. Their work received international overall approval from people as HRH Prince Hassan Bin Talal of Jordan, The British Minister of State for Defence Rt Hon Earl Howe, the former Chief of British Defence staff General Sir John Nicholas Reynolds Houghton.,, Follow us twitter: @fhf1419




Supported by: Singularity of Peace, Forgotten Heroes Foundation & The Muslim Experience in World War I