Lunchtime art - Egypt x Beirut


Friday, 12th August 2022   |   12:00 - 13:00


Nikolett will welcome visitors to P21 for a lunchtime talk to narrate the photography exhibition Egypt x Beirut. She will explain more about the concept behind both themes, common threads and share stories behind the photographs, as each of them represent personal memories. 

Please join us for a narrated journey through these lands, and your only opportunity for a Q&A with the artist.

Looking forward to seeing you on Friday!


Nikolett Puskas is an activist, who likes to do things, not only theorise on them. She believes in bottom-up, grassroots initiatives for social inclusion and real change, paving way to the right to the city and right for environmental justice. She has been working in the urban sphere since 2015.

She used to be an interior architect and designer, fashion designer and maker (clothing, bags, jewellery) – after growing disillusion with those fields, she left, searching for deeper meanings. As her journey unfolds, it is always accompanied by constant tinkering with photography, attempting to capture moments, feelings, ambiance – as a flâneur across the world and life. It gives her great pleasure to capture the indescribable – suspend time and space into mementos, which are often very personal. She sees people, places, things from multiple perspectives at once – there is so much to unpack in many of the photos she has taken. Her first photo exhibition took place at the British Museum in 2018, at the UK launch of the RELIEF Centre – a research project of which she was part of. The photos were a selection of Beiruti streetscapes to give a feeling to the audience coming to the launch conference of the sense of place.

Recently, she started to rediscover her skills in illustrating and graphic design, and she hopes to create space in the future where her creative aspirations can fully blossom – including her long-nurtured literary endeavours.



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