Art Action Culture Events


Thursday, 25th January 2024 | 19:00-21:00



At our exhibition/events closing event, we are inviting a gathering that focuses on children and learning. It features presentations from THE HANDS UP PROJECT who invented ‘remote theatre’ with the children of Gaza. Nick Bilborough will be with us to show some of this work and talk about children in Gaza now. There will be a presentation BIRDS OF GAZA - ‘birds made by children in memory of the children killed in Israel’s war on Gaza’. This is a participatory project that Ruth Abou Rached took on and animated amongst children in Salford near Manchester in the UK. Ruth will be here to talk about it. There will be other examples, given and described, of work with, and concerning, children. Come and find out more and join the conversation about the impact of adult behaviour on children and what to do about it.



Book your spot via the link below:






Generously supported by:  Az Theatre and HUB Collective