What lies beyond the frame


Wednesday, 12th June 2024 | 18:00-20:00



A Discussion with Visual Artist Rasha Al Jundi, Facilitated by Aida Kowalska (Photographers Without Borders)


This will be in the form of an in person engaging discussion with an audience to flush out the main ideas behind telling the story through photography and other visuals while maintaining integrity and ethics in an arguably unethical field. The facilitator from PWB will go over specific questions with the artist and engage the audience in critiquing the ways visuals are used today to inform or withhold certain aspects of any one story. 

What is our responsibility as storytellers? Is the image the most important thing or the story behind the image? How does a a visual artist engage and yet inform the audience of what the camera's frame cropped out by design? What is the language that we use and how do we colonize it while telling the story? 
All these questions and more will be asked during the event. Visual examples will also be used to give examples of what is being discussed.





Rasha Al Jundi (1984) is a Palestinian documentary photographer and visual storyteller. She grew up in the UAE, after which she moved to Lebanon to pursue higher education. During her seven year stay in the country, she volunteered with the Lebanese Red Cross and worked with a local civil society organisation coordinating rural development programs. Between 2009 and 2021, she worked with several non-governmental organisations, in the Near East, and Africa. Her work generally follows a social documentary pathway. Her work has been exhibited in Amman, Beirut, London, New York and Tokyo. Rasha is among the 2024 recipients of the PWB Revolutionary Storyteller grant and the 2022 Tom Stoddart Award winner from the Ian Parry grant.


Aida Kowalska - Photographers Without Borders (PWB) Operations Manager, who is based in London.



Photographer's Without Borders (PWB) is a global community that cares about collective liberation and protecting Mother Earth through ethical storytelling. The organization does this through their Revolutionary Storyteller Grant, Micro-Grants, and other grant-making and capacity-building programs. They also aim to inspire new generations of storytellers through our acclaimed Storytelling School programs, Storytelling for Change Series & Podcast, annual events, and other initiatives and resources. PWB also firmly uphold the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals and UNDRIP, and prioritize capacity-building for community-based storytellers and community-led initiatives within their work.



Book your spot via the link below:




Generously supported by: Culture Resource and Photographers Without Borders (PWB).