‘With Love, From Nowhere: The Other Non-Places’, 2020, Digital Image
The original iteration of With Love, From Nowhere: The Places of the Not Yet, was courtesy of The Arab British Centre through their Making Marks Digital Residency (summer 2020). The artists Alaa Tarabzouni and Ellie Niblock developed the work as a digital experience that explores the notions of the sublime through the lens of utopic placemaking theory. The non-places were recorded through meticulous documentation by means of drawing, sculpting, 3D scanning, mapping and audio recording aims to offer the viewer with as much information as possible in order to discern these Places of the Not Yet.
Valdrada via SketchFab'; Please click and drag the image to view / interact with Valdrada in 3D'
The artists used the novel Invisible Cities by Italian author Italo Calvino as a loose framework for the project; the names of the non-places and their descriptive nature were inspired by the book. The novel is referenced in the piece through the names of the non-places: Despina, Zenobia and Pyrrha; the interpretation of these three non-places exist as part of the digital experience that can be viewed at https://www.withlove-nowhere.com/.
The artists developed another ‘non-place’ exclusively for P21 Gallery & its website: Valdrada. Valdrada has all the elements used to depict her fellow non-places and remains as enigmatic as them. The featured piece includes the fictional cartographical exercise that attempts to contextualize it, the map is accompanied by an atmospheric audio piece that alludes to the harshness of the circumstances on Valdrada.
Valdrada Map, 2020, Digital Image
In addition to the development of Valdrada as a non-place, the artists wanted to expand the exercise beyond their own personal interpretations. As such, the artists have developed Instagram filters that act as geo-location activated filters, the artists would like to encourage the viewer to transcend the role of recipient and to contribute to the documentation of real life non-places. Determining what the non-places are is at the discretion of the user, through digital video and still images as well as audio these new non-places can be captured while using the hashtag: #WithLoveNowhere. The artists will then compile the submissions and include them in a digital archive off of the original ‘With Love, From Nowhere,’ platform.